News Archive

HITS:141 - 150 of 389
ARTICLE — 29 mars 2022

New framework for data flows between the EU and the US positive for transatlantic trade

EU and US are one step closer to introducing a new framework for free transatlantic data flows, which is a welcome development for transatlantic trade.
ARTICLE — 25 mars 2022

The Sustainable Product Initiative

On March 30 2022, the European Commission will present the Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI). The initiative is a flagship of the EU’s Green Deal and a key part of the European Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP).
ARTICLE — 23 mars 2022

Our main concerns with European Parliament report on CSRD

The European Commission’s proposal on sustainability reporting, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), is currently being discussed within the European Parliament. The Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) recently released its report on this file.
ARTICLE — 21 mars 2022

EU: state aid measures in response to the war in Ukraine

A new framework for limited state aid is an appropriate response to the current crisis. However, it is important that these measures do not become complicated and administratively costly to implement; crucially, general measures such as tax relief on energy and fuels should be considered.
ARTICLE — 11 mars 2022

Substances of Concern that hamper recycling

“Substances of Concern” has different meanings in different policy initiatives and legislation. This creates a lack of clarity and risks causing confusion.
ARTICLE — 2 mars 2022

European Chips Act: EU’s wide-ranging semiconductor initiative is problematic

In the wake of the shortage of semiconductors the European Commission has now published a raft of proposals to prevent similar shortfalls in the future. ”Unfortunately, several of the proposals risk leading to more unequal competition”, says Göran Grén, head of the Corporate Law Department.
ARTICLE — 1 mars 2022

The Data Act - with new rules for all sectors as regard the rights to use data 

The second piece of legislation of The European strategy for data, the Data Act, has been published. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise emphasizes the importance of rules that are proportionate and - as far as possible - principle-based and technology-neutral.
ARTICLE — 1 mars 2022

“VAT-free is not truly VAT-free”

That ‘VAT-free’ is not truly ‘VAT-free’ is something that bears repeating until we start discussing the negative societal impacts of hidden VAT.
ARTICLE — 1 mars 2022

EU Corporate Reporting – Improving its Quality and Enforcement

The European Commission has issued a call for evidence and a public consultation on the issue of corporate reporting. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise have published a position paper.
ARTICLE — 1 mars 2022

The ‘Women on Boards’ Directive proposal falls short of delivering on its intended purpose

Comments on the proposal for a Directive on improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related matters, COM (2012) 614 – “Women on Boards” directive proposal.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist