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ARTICLE — 1 december 2021

Prioritise competitiveness and regulatory improvement during Sweden’s EU presidency

On 1 January 2023, Sweden assumes the presidency of the EU. This will provide an important opportunity for Sweden to set the agenda for what the EU should focus on, as well as to decide which issues and topics should be addressed and prioritised during Sweden’s six month-presidency.
ARTICLE — 30 november 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s views on proposed changes to the General State Aid Block Exemption (GBER) to support green and digital transition

The proposed changes to the General Block Exemption, (Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014, abbreviation GBER), are wide-ranging and its significance is large. 
ARTICLE — 30 november 2021

Anti-coercion instrument – a difficult balancing act  

The European Commission will present a proposal for a so called “anti-coercion instrument”, a trade policy tool to be used against countries that in various ways threaten us. 
ARTICLE — 25 november 2021

EU industrial emissions directive risks hampering industry’s climate transition

A broadened EU directive regulating industrial emissions risks being a setback for industry. In its current form, the directive works well and creates environmental benefits. It is therefore important to safeguard the directive’s effectiveness as it is revised, writes Jenny Svärd who is responsible for environmental policy at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 24 november 2021

EU competition policy stands strong 

In recent years, much debate at EU level has focused on competition law and how it needs to change to meet growing global competition. Now that the European Commission has published a statement on competition policy, the message is broadly welcome, writes Stefan Sagebro, expert on competition issues at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 23 november 2021

”Time to take the next step in climate efforts”

Important progress was made during COP26 but the pace must be increased to ensure climate goals will be met. Now it is important to maintain momentum, and to continue to put pressure on more countries to shoulder their responsibility to create the necessary conditions to reduce emissions, writes Jesper Gyberg Ek, Climate Policy Director at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 9 november 2021

Product passports must not undermine business competitiveness 

Sharing information between actors with the help of product passports offers many advantages. However, it is vital that the EU’s product passport is designed in such a way that it promotes and does not harm the competitiveness of European business.
ARTICLE — 8 november 2021

Nordic business: If done right, EU’s RRF Scoreboard can strengthen competitiveness

In a letter to the European Commission’s President von der Leyen, the Confederations of Danish Industry, Finnish Industries and Swedish Enterprise offers some comments on the delegated regulation that was presented by the Commission on the 28 September 2021 on establishing a Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Scoreboard.
ARTICLE — 5 november 2021

Why the EU’s environmental classification system hits Swedish companies hard 

Despite harsh criticism being directed at the EU’s taxonomy, Swedish authorities apply the classification. Companies that need government credit guarantees to restructure are now being affected. 
ARTICLE — 4 november 2021

Joint letter to von der Leyen and Vestager on current competition issues

Keep politics out of merger control and limit the use of state subsidies. The scope of the IPCEI instrument should not be broadened to cover costs related to mass production nor merely ensuring European production. 
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist