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ARTICLE — 9 september 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s position on broadening the scope of the Ecodesign Directive 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise supports efforts towards more sustainable products and believes that product development must incorporate key sustainability aspects. Although the development of more sustainable products is already well under way, more needs to be done to promote further advancement.
ARTICLE — 8 september 2021

Many risks with social taxonomy

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has responded to the call for feedback from the EU platform on sustainable finance regarding the draft report on a social taxonomy from one of its expert groups.
ARTICLE — 7 september 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s response to the Report on Taxonomy extension 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s comments on the Platform’s report on the Taxonomy extension options linked to environmental objectives.
ARTICLE — 31 augusti 2021

The Swedish model in focus as French ministers visit the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise recently organised a high-level meeting for leading French ministers visiting Sweden, who wanted to meet the social partners in order to learn more about the Swedish labour market model. The meeting also provided a platform for closer contacts ahead of the upcoming EU Presidencies, which France will hold in the first half of 2022 and Sweden in the first half of 2023.
ARTICLE — 27 juli 2021

Welcome focus on growth and free trade in the Slovenian Presidency 

Slovenia provides a clear voice for a strengthened EU Single Market and open trade with the outside world. This is something we also hope will be evident when their priorities are implemented, says Fredrik Persson, President of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 19 juli 2021

Swedish Enterprise: ‘Fit for 55’ – increase in ambition but a lack of focus on cost-effectiveness

‘Fit for 55’ is a crucial element in the journey towards an EU free of greenhouse gas emissions, and there are considerable opportunities for Swedish companies as part of the transition. However, we believe that it is important to safeguard the fundamental principles of cost-effectiveness and competitiveness, says Jesper Gyberg, Director Climate Policies.
ARTICLE — 13 juli 2021

The global tax map is redrawn - G20 countries reach agreement on digital tax and global minimum tax

G20 countries have agreed to endorse OECD:s outline plan for taxing the digital economy and a minimum global corporate tax rate. A finalised plan is due to be presented in October. However, the proposals deviate dramatically from current international principles and many obstacles remain to be resolved before it can be applied, writes Claes Hammarstedt, an expert on international taxes. 
ARTICLE — 12 juli 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s views on the European Commission’s proposal for a new Directive on Sustainability Reporting 

The new requirements in the CSRD would however be more proportionate and well balanced if they were better adapted to the size and circumstances of reporting entities.
ARTICLE — 12 juli 2021

Swedish Enterprise on the European Commission’s proposal for revised State Aid Guidelines

The European Commission’s general approach to broadening the application of the State Aid Guidelines is welcome. However, there is good reason to stress the importance of the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) and to warn against an excessive degree of complexity. 
ARTICLE — 7 juli 2021

Favourable conditions for businesses and innovation will be key to a successful Sustainable Products Initiative 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes an ambitious products policy and believes that it is important that the development of a product policy for sustainable products takes place at EU level. 
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist