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ARTICLE — 26 maj 2021

EU Commission’s ”Business Taxation for the 21st Century” is anything but forward-looking

Given its grandiose title - ”Business Taxation for the 21st Century” - the European Commission’s initiative is disappointing. What Europe really needs are competitive rules that promote new investments, new jobs and economic growth. This will not be achieved by imposing additional burdens on those who are genuinely guaranteeing our welfare, namely our businesses.
ARTICLE — 25 maj 2021

The EU’s updated industrial strategy - a review

On 5 May 2021, the European Commission presented its updated industrial strategy, which will pave the way for European business policy in the coming years. In this article, we analyse the proposals in depth, and comment on the various parts of the strategy, which span a large number of issues.
ARTICLE — 25 maj 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s overall comments on the taxonomy and the delegated act for climate

Sustainable growth is essential for achieving the green transition. But much more needs to be done to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement and the EU’s Green Deal and move to a climate-neutral society.
ARTICLE — 21 maj 2021

EU should introduce new rules against foreign subsidies

Companies operating in the single market should do so on a level playing field, allowed to compete on their own terms and on the basis of a market economy.
ARTICLE — 20 maj 2021

Data transfer urge certainty

Confusion over international data transfers following the Schrems II ruling is threatening to hamper trade, innovation, and competitiveness. This situation must come to an end if companies are to recover from the pandemic, and if Europe is serious about investing in technological capacity and competitiveness.
ARTICLE — 19 maj 2021

Suspending patents is not the solution

The solution to the ongoing pandemic is not to weaken intellectual property rights – intellectual property is part of the solution for us to cope with the next pandemic.
ARTICLE — 17 maj 2021

EU reopen negotiations with India on a Free Trade Agreement

The EU and India have decided to reopen negotiations on establishing a Free Trade Agreement. In the long term, this could open up huge business opportunities for Swedish companies, both in terms of exports and imports.
ARTICLE — 12 maj 2021

Joint Nordic position on Digital Markets Act

The Nordic business organisations of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark present a common position on the European Commission’s new proposal for a Digital Markets Act (DMA). 
ARTICLE — 11 maj 2021

Involving the business community will be crucial for reaching the Taxonomy’s environmental objectives 3 to 6  

The Taxonomy file is important for the Swedish business community and is followed closely by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. The work with criteria for the environmental objectives is currently in an early stage, and in this position paper we highlight our initial key messages. 
ARTICLE — 10 maj 2021

EU legislation creating concerns for Nordic employers 

In an open letter published ahead of the upcoming EU summit in Portugal, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise – along with the other Nordic employer confederations – emphasize the fact that the Social Pillar is not a legally binding document.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist