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ARTICLE — 18 mars 2021

A strong need for an effective dialogue between businesses and the WTO

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, in cooperation with 13 other business organisations, has written a letter to the WTO on the need for regular dialogue with the business community 
ARTICLE — 18 mars 2021

5.5 million tonnes of fossil-free steel production per year - a new pioneering factory is planned in northern Sweden

The announcement is a show of strength for the country’s industrial sector and highlights Sweden’s unique capacity to supply world markets with raw materials that boast a low climate footprint.
ARTICLE — 17 mars 2021

Swedish exports can lead the way in global climate efforts

Swedish exports have already generated climate benefits equivalent to 26 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2018, as a result of the replacement of less-clean production in other parts of the world.
ARTICLE — 17 mars 2021

”We are not looking for recovery alone – we also want growth to increase”

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, along with with its sister organisations in the Nordic countries and those in Latvia and Lithuania emphasize that EU-funds are used in such a way that simultaneously improves the internal market and increases global competitiveness.
ARTICLE — 8 mars 2021

A competitive business environment is a prerequisite for finding climate solutions

European companies will be the ones that develop the tools and new technology required to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. This makes it essential that we continue to ensure the competitiveness of our companies, said Fredrik Persson, chairman of Confederation of Swedish Enterprise at EU Industry Days.
ARTICLE — 2 mars 2021

Swedish Enterprise on The Battery Regulation

The Commission’s action plan contains a range of initiatives that the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise sees – if designed appropriately – can become valuable tools in enabling a transition into a circular economy.
ARTICLE — 1 mars 2021

WTO announces new Director General

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise hopes that Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the new Director General of the WTO, will drive the work of reforming the WTO, re-establishing the dispute resolution system and finding methods for closer cooperation with the business community.
ARTICLE — 26 februari 2021

Companies essential for necessary investments for climate change

Stopping carbon leakage must be at the heart of all climate policy, this is especially applicable for the EUETS.
ARTICLE — 26 februari 2021

Current ESR-system is not efficient

Since the EU wants to become a real role model in the climate transition, it is not enough to simply reduce emissions. An EU that restricts production and forces companies to relocate abroad risks acting as a deterrent, which is the last thing that climate change efforts need.
ARTICLE — 26 februari 2021

The EU Taxonomy threatens the progress on climate change and Swedish competitiveness

Swedish Enterprise is concerned that the proposed EU taxonomy will have a negative impact on our ability to achieve our climate goals and will hit the competitiveness of Swedish companies hard, thus affecting our prosperity. It is clear that the taxonomy does not align with, or support, the Swedish strategy for fossil free society.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist