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ARTICLE — 4 februari 2021

Forests are a prerequisite for a green economy

In order to build a truly green economy and tackle the housing shortage, we need to bring a new and long-term perspective to the problem. Fortunately, fresh ideas are, quite literally, growing on trees. 
ARTICLE — 1 februari 2021

New rules for digital services

Technology, business models and societal challenges are in a constant process of evolution. The ever-widening variety of digital services is the backbone of our increasingly connected world. 
ARTICLE — 27 januari 2021

EU data strategy and data sharing: a report

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has recently published a report entitled “EU data strategy and data sharing”. The purpose of this report is to add knowledge and insights on what will make it easier for business and industry to make better use of data in the internal market and help drive digital progress.
ARTICLE — 14 januari 2021

Nordic-Baltic business calls for stringent monitoring of Next Generation EU funds

Nordic-Baltic business confederations believe that it is essential that Next Generation EU funds are dedicated to long-term investments, rather than to filling budgetary gaps.
ARTICLE — 14 januari 2021

An updated European industrial policy strategy for growth

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise wishes to highlight some of the most important aspects of the European Commission’s efforts to update its industrial strategy. From the Confederation’s perspective, it is vital to emphasise five main areas; those of growth, trade, competition rules, industrial ecosystems and R&D. 
ARTICLE — 11 januari 2021

Response on the Commission consultation on the revision of the guidelines for state aid for environmental protection and energy 

The Commission has recently performed a public consultation on one of the most important set of rules in the field of State Aid - the Energy and Environmental Guidelines (EEAG) and the accompanying provisions in the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER). The rules enable Member States to grant aid in support of environmental protection of numerous kinds and are frequently used for large aid schemes. 
ARTICLE — 22 december 2020

Joint letter about the COVID-19 situation to Commissioner Vesthager

The Confederation of Danish Industry and Swedish Enterprise have written a letter to Commissioner Vesthager about that the current COVID-19 situation should still be considered as an exceptional occurrence within the meaning of Article 107(2)(b), which refers to state aid. Please read the letter below. 
ARTICLE — 17 december 2020

Comments on the revision of IPCEI

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has submitted comments to the ongoing consultations on the roadmap for the revision of the IPCEI Communication, which is addressing the European Commission’s Communication on State Aid for important projects of common European interest.
ARTICLE — 16 december 2020

Joint position on Taxonomy from the Nordic business federations from Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

The Nordic business federations of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are deeply concerned by the delegated Regulation on the EU’s environmental objectives for climate change mitigation and adaptation under the ‘Taxonomy’. We find that it will undermine ours, and Europe’s, ability to reach our climate goals. 
ARTICLE — 14 december 2020

Joint comments from Nordic business federations on OECD Blueprints

The Confederations of Swedish Enterprise, the Finnish Industries, the Danish Industry and the Norwegian Enterprise have submitted joint comments on the OECD Blueprint Reports on digital tax (Pillar 1) and Global minimum tax (Pillar 2). 
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist