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ARTICLE — 14 december 2020

Letter to the Commission from the Swedish Labour Market Council for EU Affairs

The Swedish Labour Market Council for EU Affairs has now sent a letter to the President of the European Commisson. In the letter, the Council summarizes its legal analysis of the proposal for a Directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union.
ARTICLE — 10 december 2020

Welcome proposals in the Data Governance Act

Data sharing is of great importance in developing the data economy. This is something that is also reflected in the first part of the European Commission’s data strategy with the proposal for a Data Governance Act (DGA).
ARTICLE — 5 december 2020

No reshoring in sight for Swedish firms

The Coronavirus crisis, and the unprecedented pressure that this has placed on business supply chains, has sparked debate on how best to avoid the risk of a collapse in the flow of goods and services. Whereas many are arguing in favour of reshoring production and having businesses move production ‘back home’, others are saying that the opposite is a safer strategy. We now have a clearer idea what Swedish firms are planning. 
ARTICLE — 3 december 2020

EU proposal on green claims

Swedish Enterprise has participated in the EU public consultation on a potential legislative proposal on substantiating green claims.
ARTICLE — 2 december 2020

EU Taxonomy hits the wrong target

The taxonomy as proposed may negatively impact our ability to reach our climate goals. It also risks undermining our competitiveness and ultimately leading to an overall increase in global CO2 emissions.
ARTICLE — 1 december 2020

The European Commission”s new threat to the Swedish model

The European Commission is in the process of preparing a new Directive on wage transparency; one that will damage growth, make skills adjustment more difficult and create extensive bureaucracy, says chief economists at several employers” organisations.
ARTICLE — 1 december 2020

Remove trade barriers and deepen the EU Single Market

An interview with Jessica Stegrud (ECR) on the European Parliament’s initiative report on the European Commission”s proposed EU Industrial Strategy.
ARTICLE — 1 december 2020

Protectionism is the wrong direction

Sara Skyttedal (EPP), on the European Parliament’s initiative report on the European Commission”s proposed EU Industrial Strategy.
ARTICLE — 25 november 2020

Competition policy measures in support of the Green Deal.

Well-functioning competition is a prerequisite for companies to dare to invest in climate-smart solutions. EU competition rules should therefore be applied and interpreted in the same way in all Member States, says Stefan Sagebro, an expert on competition and state aid.
ARTICLE — 24 november 2020

Inception Impact Assessment for Sustainable Product Initiative

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes the EU Commission”s action plan on circular economy and the initiative on Sustainable Product Initiative. Swedish business community is already at the forefront of changing from a linear to a circular economy and wants to take a driving role in its development.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist