News Archive

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ARTICLE — 23 november 2020

“Tax on fashion” criticised

The Swedish “Tax on Fashion” has been heavily criticised by Swedish organisations, companies, and the Swedish authorities such as the Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish Chemicals Agency. Yet the criticism is not limited to Sweden; it is also international.
ARTICLE — 19 november 2020

Newsletter on knowledge-based assets

Knowledge-based assets are becoming of a greater and greater importance in our economy. This newsletter focuses on these assets, their handling and the legal rules concerning them. Our perspective is the importance of these assets for the competitiveness of companies in Sweden and the rest of Europe.
ARTICLE — 13 november 2020

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise participates in the formulation of a new trade policy for the EU

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise wants the EU to keep having an open trade policy. That was today communicated to the European Commission.
ARTICLE — 13 november 2020

Main points on CBAM by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

We support the targets set out in the Paris Agreement. Ideally, the best instrument to deploy would be a global price on carbon. Realizing that this is not realistic for the foreseeable future other venues must be found.
ARTICLE — 9 november 2020

A data strategy for Europe that supports technological capacity but combats technological protectionism

The European Commission is expected to present its proposal for a new Data Governance Act the 18th of November. This is the first part of the European data strategy. 
ARTICLE — 9 november 2020

Remarks concerning the public consultation on the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise remains strongly committed to taking part in ensuring that Europe becomes the world’s first climate neutral continent. With this in mind, we would like to submit a few standpoints to the ongoing consultation on the possible revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD).
ARTICLE — 28 oktober 2020

A Minimum Wage Directive violates the EU Constitution

The European Commission has today submitted its proposal for a Directive on adequate minimum wages in the EU Member States. “Our initial assessment is that it constitutes an unacceptable intervention in the Swedish labour market model,” says John Wahlstedt, General Counsel for Labour Law at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 27 oktober 2020

Swedish Enterprise opposes a European Directive on Minimum Wages 

The European Commission has presented its proposal for a new Directive on minimum wages. The Swedish Government, the Parliament and social partners are strongly opposed to the proposal, as it threatens to undermine the Nordic labour market model.
ARTICLE — 16 oktober 2020

An improved Single Market for services: the key to the EU”s economic recovery

The ongoing pandemic has placed Europe”s business in a challenging economic situation. At the same time, the service sector has also experienced an increased demand. It is important that the opportunities that this crisis offers are not ‘wasted’; instead, we should see this occasion as a chance to strengthen and improve the Single Market, not least for services – both digital and traditional.
ARTICLE — 16 oktober 2020

The EU initiative on wage transparency is the wrong path to follow for equal pay

Equality in working life is an important issue and is one where Sweden has come a long way. However, the European Commission”s forthcoming proposal for a Directive designed to address wage discrimination on the grounds of gender poses a risk that could reverse this trend.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist