News Archive

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ARTICLE — 14 oktober 2020

Reform package vital to the restart of the Swedish economy 

If Sweden is to emerge stronger the right reforms are needed. The speed at which company investment restarts will be decisive in how rapidly Sweden recovers from recession.
ARTICLE — 7 oktober 2020

Data flows are being threatened by unrealistic regulations

Following the European Court of Justice’s annulment of the Privacy Shield with the USA, there are growing concerns over what will happen to data transfers outside the EU. Companies are now expected to make their own risk assessments of the recipient country”s privacy protection. This means that data transfers to countries outside the EU will be very costly - even potentially impossible - for many companies. The Swedish government now needs to take initiatives at EU level to find a political and legal solution.
ARTICLE — 5 oktober 2020

What does the EU want with its forests?

On 30 September, the ‘Wood Be Better’ network and CEPI, held a joint seminar on the theme ”EU Forest Industries for a Sustainable Future in Brussels”. The concept of the forest evokes many emotions within the EU, and the various regions go in different directions with theirs each year. How does the future of European forestry really look - and what aspects can we influence?
ARTICLE — 2 oktober 2020

Response on Market Definition Notice

Our general opinion is that the market definition at its core still serves its purpose, and that there are no major changes to be requested. Thereby, the notice is not as much in need of changes as it is of some certain expansions.
ARTICLE — 28 september 2020

Proposals for rules against foreign subsidies - an important milestone against distorted competition

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise”s position paper on the European Commission”s White Paper on new rules against foreign subsidies clarifies our views on the scope and design of the proposed rules for discussion.
ARTICLE — 25 september 2020

Recovery reforms for Sweden

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has chosen to divide its proposals for what should be included in the Swedish Recovery Fund into three parts.
ARTICLE — 23 september 2020

The single market should be the main focus of the EU 

MEP Charlie Weimers (ECR) answers questions about free trade and the functioning and role of the single market after the Corona crisis.
ARTICLE — 21 september 2020

EU increase its climate ambition 

European Commission announces its new climate plans with a proposal to increase its climate ambition to a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes the latest discussions on a more ambitious 2030 target.
ARTICLE — 17 september 2020

Commentary on the Digital Services Act

The European Commission, through its new ‘Digital Service Act’ (DSA) is proposing novel and revised rules for digital services. In particular, these will address the responsibilities and obligations of digital services and strengthen supervision of digital services in the EU.
ARTICLE — 16 september 2020

An EU directive on minimum wages is unacceptable

Trade unions and employers’ organisations in the private sector, are deeply concerned about the Commission’s plans to present proposals on European minimum wages.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist