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ARTICLE — 9 september 2020

New Competition Tool (NCT) - Public consultation

The Commission has suggested new rules to tackle what is described as structural competition problems on the markets. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise rejects the suggested new competition tool and fully endorse the views of BusinessEurope on this matter.
ARTICLE — 9 september 2020

Consequences of the OECD:s digital tax reform proposals

The European Centre for International Political Economy claims that the OECD proposal to shift effective taxing powers away from small open economies to the world’s largest countries would undermine small countries’ relative attractiveness to international businesses.
ARTICLE — 4 september 2020

Swedes like free trade – but their support cannot be taken for granted

The majority of Swedes are positive about free trade, but views of the effects of trade on the environment and vulnerability in times are crisis is divided, a survey shows.
ARTICLE — 14 juli 2020

EU-proposal detrimental to the Swedish labour market model

The European Commission is preparing a proposal which will provide a reference framework for the establishment of a decent minimum wage at European level. Sweden is firmly opposed. Johan Danielsson (S) one of the Swedish members of the European Parliament who is monitoring this issue carefully.
ARTICLE — 9 juli 2020

Shared Nordic view of proposed European Climate Law

A key part of the Green Deal is the European Climate Law. At a webinar on 30 June, the four major Nordic organisations for private sector employers presented a new joint position paper: The Climate Law post Covid-19 – the role of industry and business in reaching the objectives of climate action and economic recovery.
ARTICLE — 30 juni 2020

GDPR: More support for companies but no legislative changes

Every four years, the European Commission evaluates the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The first report states that Europe needs the acquis to be applied uniformly. This will help smaller companies and facilitate international data exchange.
ARTICLE — 26 juni 2020

"The legislative proposal sets out what pace the EU should adopt in its climate work"

In March, the European Commission published its proposal for a new European climate law. Therefore we asked the Swedish MEP Jytte Guteland (S, S&D) some questions.
ARTICLE — 26 juni 2020

"Other countries can not take advantage of our ambitious climate work"

In March, the European Commission published its proposal for a new European climate law. Therefore we asked the Swedish MEP Jessica Polfjärd (M, EPP) some questions.
ARTICLE — 25 juni 2020

Swedish Enterprise is contributing to EU:s data strategy

Work is currently underway on the EU's data strategy, looking at how best to utilise data within the internal market. Swedish Enterprise is contributing to this work, among other things, by highlighting the needs and desires of the business sector, and has recently responded to a consultation on the EU Commission's ongoing work, writes Carola Ekblad, Digital policy.
ARTICLE — 22 juni 2020

An ambitious circular economy action plan from the European Commission

In recent years, the European Commission has focused heavily on the circular economy in achieving climate neutrality by 2050. The Swedish business community wants to take a driving role in development and to contribute constructively to the work, writes Jenny Svärd.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist