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ARTICLE — 11 juni 2020

"The Green Deal steer the economy towards a sustainable society"

The Swedish MEP Fredrik Federley gives his view on the recovery programme proposed by the European Commission.
ARTICLE — 29 april 2020

A recovery plan for Europe after COVID-19

If companies are to be able to emerge from the crisis and continue to grow, we need to see an ambitious and coordinated recovery plan for the EU as early as possible, write Anna Stellinger, Deputy Director General, and Anders Edholm, Head of EU-office.
ARTICLE — 22 april 2020

Necessary actions to mitigate the Corona crisis

Swedish Enterprise has sent a position paper to EU-commissioners, Members of the European parliament and several others in order to bring the attention to the list of proposals you can find below.
ARTICLE — 16 april 2020

EU state aid regulations can save companies and jobs

To help Member States preserve companies and jobs during the current coronavirus crisis, the European Commission has rapidly relaxed EU state aid regulations. At the same time, it is important to safeguard equal conditions for both competition and free enterprise, writes competition and state aid expert Stefan Sagebro.
ARTICLE — 1 april 2020

Coronavirus crisis: Seven trade actions that need to be taken now

The coronavirus outbreak is placing unprecedented pressure on the EU and international trade. The goal should be to lay the foundations for the best possible conditions post-Corona that keeps as many companies – and jobs – viable. We have no time to wait, writes Anna Stellinger, Deputy Director General Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
ARTICLE — 24 mars 2020

Information on coronavirus / COVID-19 for you as a business owner

Due to the recent developments in the spread of the coronavirus, we have summarised the sources where you, as a business owner/operator entrepreneur, can find the latest information.
ARTICLE — 20 mars 2020

In times of crisis, barriers are not the answer

EU must now take powerful measures in the field of trade policy. A constructive measure would be to completely remove import duties on necessary medical equipment, hand soap and disinfectants, imported from third countries, writes Anna Stellinger, Deputy Director General International and EU Affairs.
ARTICLE — 16 mars 2020

EU industrial strategy: "Now the real work will begin"

The European Commission has presented an industrial strategy. This will lay out the course for the coming five years. The strategy presented today is simply the starting point. Now the real work will begin, says Göran Grén, Director Head of Business Policy and Law Division at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 9 mars 2020

"Most important a trade agreement with the UK"

How should the EU relate to major powers such as the US and China? How does the EU best approach the defence of free trade and an open and a favourable investment climate? To find what our Swedish MEPs in the Trade Committee think, we asked Jörgen Warborn (M, EPP) a few questions.
ARTICLE — 9 mars 2020

"The US and China are blending trade policy with geopolitical goals"

How should the EU relate to major powers such as the US and China? How does the EU best approach the defence of free trade and an open and a favourable investment climate? To find what our Swedish MEPs in the Trade Committee think, we asked Karin Karlsbro, L, Renew Europe.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist