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ARTICLE — 26 februari 2020

This is how to shape Europe's digital future

The European Commission is launching its strategy for Europe's digital future. “The debate on the surveillance society, the mapping of citizens and the profiling of consumers is an important consideration as we move into this future, writes lawyer Carolina Brånby.
ARTICLE — 21 februari 2020

A Competitive European Industry

The European Commission will present its industrial strategy on 10 March. In response to this, Swedish Enterprise has produced the position paper, "A Competitive European Industry". This summarises the organisation's views on a range of issues.
ARTICLE — 10 februari 2020

11 exciting climate projects from Sweden

Swedish companies have long been at the forefront of combining sustainability and environmental ambitions with growth and innovation.
ARTICLE — 7 februari 2020

"There are no long term winners in a protectionist world"

Anna Stellinger, Deputy Director General International and EU Affairs, believes that the new European Commission must demonstrate that it can manage several issues simultaneously. “It must keep the Union and the single market together, stand up for free movement and maintain its focus on core areas.”
ARTICLE — 5 februari 2020

Swedish Enterprise about the Green Deal

– There are several elements contained in the initiative that will be important for Swedish industry, says Lina Håkansdotter, Head of Sustainability and Infrastructure.
ARTICLE — 3 februari 2020

Worries over Brussels minimum wage initiative

The Swedish Labour Market Council for EU Affairs has sent a letter to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. The letter contains several sharp messages to the Commission, where one is that EU lacks competence in the area of pay.
ARTICLE — 23 januari 2020

Stellinger on Trade Policy Day: "Protectionism means everyone loses"

What is the way forward for EU trade policy during these turbulent times? This was the central issue during the European Parliament’s discussions on trade policy. "We live in an entirely new trade world" said Anna Stellinger, Deputy Director General, international and EU affairs.
ARTICLE — 16 januari 2020

The GDPR alone is insufficient

The GDPR compromise from 2016 has been shown to have both strengths and weaknesses - particularly from a business perspective. It is vitally important to delivering proper data protection and trust, but it is demanding and costly to adhere to vague and overly-detailed legislation. This creates compelling reasons to discuss how to support compliance and important processing in order to remain technological competitive, says lawyer Carolina Brånby at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. The report, entitled “What’s wrong with GDPR?”, is now available in English.
ARTICLE — 7 november 2019

Questions vital for the future of the industry

The Swedish Construction Federation and MEP Abir Al-Sahlani (RE) have organised a seminar "Building Europe - Future of work the construction” in the European Parliament.
ARTICLE — 1 november 2019

Anna Stellinger: Director of International and EU Affairs at Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

Anna Stellinger today takes up the newly created position of Director of International and EU Affairs at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. She will also join the management team.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist