News Archive

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ARTICLE — 24 september 2019

Review the Swedish Exemption Regarding Financial Transactions

The VAT exemption regarding financial transactions is often used in Sweden as an argument to raise taxes in the financial sector. However, the exemption is harming the business climate as well as growth and development.
ARTICLE — 23 september 2019

EU lose much of its attraction without the single market

A fully developed single market is central to fight climate change, promote sustainable development, to fully harness the potential of digitalisation and strengthen Europe’s competitiveness. Without the single market, the EU would lose much of its attraction.
ARTICLE — 5 juli 2019

Proposals for competitiveness

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, in co-operation with its experts and membership organizations, has produced concrete proposals for measures to ensure that Europe will maintain its competitiveness in the global arena.
ARTICLE — 15 mars 2019

How EU-decisions affect Swedish companies

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has evaluated how the major decisions taken within the EU during the last mandate period affect Swedish companies. Our evaluation shows that 24 of the 57 legal acts we have chosen to look at have been positive for Swedish companies.
ARTICLE — 13 mars 2019

SME-companies in the digital economy

24 million small and mid-sized businesses are the greatest asset within EU. "Regulations must be dealt with to give SME-companies the opportunity to reach their full potential", says Anna-Lena Bohm, chairman of BusinessEuropes SME:s and Entrepreneurship committee.
ARTICLE — 27 februari 2019

SME-companies in the digital economy

There are 24 million small and mid-sized businesses, so called SME businesses, in Europe. These companies are a great – if not the greatest – asset when it comes to tackling todays economical and social challenges.
ARTICLE — 17 januari 2019

The Nordic countries need to block EU assault on tax veto

For countries with a common currency and a limited common budget, it is particularly important to be able to pursue an active national fiscal policy when an external shock is encountered, writes Claes Hammarstedt.
ARTICLE — 12 december 2018

Artificial intelligence on everybody’s mind

Artificial intelligence is on everybody’s mind in the EU capital. The European Commission recently launched its strategy for artificial intelligence, which focuses on promoting research and development of AI across European sectors.
ARTICLE — 10 december 2018

AI made in EU

The EU-commission has presented a joint effort with Member States to promote the development and use of artificial intelligence, AI, in Europe. To strengthen AI-technology and uptake in Europe is welcome. Swedish Enterprise believes that the conditions within Europe must be strengthened in order to successfully improve the global competitiveness of our companies. Here are our thoughts and proposals.
ARTICLE — 15 november 2018

Swedish expert represents European industry in expert group on AI

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s digital expert Carolina Brånby is representing BusinessEurope in the European Commission High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, AI HLEG. Their role is drafting ethical guidelines, and to create recommendations on how to strengthen the uptake of AI within the EU.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist