News Archive

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ARTICLE — 6 juni 2023

The “diamond” of the EU turns 30

The EU Single Market celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Despite its age, however, many people still think of the Single Market in abstract terms.
ARTICLE — 6 juni 2023

Strong business presence during the fourth Trade and Technology Council (TTC)

The fourth meeting of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) between the EU and the US was held on May 30 and 31. The meeting took place in Luleå, northern Sweden, chosen by the Swedish government due to its significant role in the green industrial transformation.
ARTICLE — 2 juni 2023

High-level seminar on The EU trade agenda until the 2024 European elections

On May 24, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, together with the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) and the Federation of Belgian Enterprises (VBO-FEB), organised a seminar in Brussels.
ARTICLE — 2 juni 2023

”We need competitive companies to achieve economic and social progress”

European business community met with Nadia Calviño, First Vice-President of the Spanish Government, in Madrid.
ARTICLE — 26 maj 2023

The future for the GDPR in the Light of New Regulations on the Digital Transition

Europe’s ongoing competitiveness will increasingly depend on the ability of companies to analyse and leverage data. Over the coming years, several new laws will enter into force, designed to regulate how data may be used.
ARTICLE — 26 maj 2023

Is the Patent Package really a package?

In 2020, when the current European Commission presented its Industrial Strategy, the Intellectual Property Action Plan was one of the key elements. Since then, there have also been several proposals on how to adapt legislation to better meet the needs of the knowledge economy.
ARTICLE — 25 maj 2023

Five proposals after five years with the GDPR

On May 25, 2023, the GDPR has been in force for five years for the processing of personal data in the EU. Here are five proposals for improvements ahead of the European Commission’s upcoming evaluation.
ARTICLE — 11 maj 2023

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s input on the EU Net-Zero Industry Act

The European Commission has published a proposal for a Regulation on net-zero industry (NZIA) within the framework of the Green Deal Industrial Plan for the net-zero age.
ARTICLE — 10 maj 2023

AI Act ahead of vote in the European Parliament

Many companies are currently holding their breath ahead of Parliament’s upcoming vote on the AI Act. And maybe many more of us should be doing the same? A great deal is at stake for how we will be able to take advantage of AI in Europe in the future.
ARTICLE — 9 maj 2023

AI Act ahead of vote in Parliament

Many companies are holding their breath ahead of Parliament’s vote on the AI Act. And maybe many of us should do the same?
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist