We need a Clean Industrial Deal that supports a business case for European companies to meet their net zero goals without jeopardising their global competitiveness. The future competitiveness will only be achieved through a clean and resilient industrial backbone. Therefore, the forthcoming post-2030
Main considerations for a post-2030 framework:
- European competitiveness and ambitious climate policies must be coherent and mutually reinforcing – we cannot have one without the other.
- Scaling down ambitions on the clean transition is not an option. The EU’s transition to climate neutrality is our best strategy to create long-term prosperity in Europe with a resilient, competitive and well-prepared industrial base.
- The Clean Industrial Deal must support the agreed commitments to climate neutrality, and simultaneously support the coming 2040 climate target, the revision of the European Climate Law and the post-2030 framework.
- The EU must set an ambitious climate target by 2040 and prepare the climate policy architecture beyond 2030. The Nordic business community stands united behind ambitious efforts to ensure climate neutrality nationally.
- We must move the focus from regulation to implementation – in order to reach the 2040 target, we must first reach the 2030 target. The toolbox is set and agreed upon; now is the time to deliver.