POSITION PAPER18 November 2022

State aid – exemptions for small amounts of aid (de minimis aid)

The European Commission has published a public consultation regarding a revised de minimis regulation. The Commission proposes to revise the de minimis threshold to adapt it to the current economic context and to improve transparency requirements.

European Commission – DG Competition

The European Commission has published a public consultation regarding a revised de minimis regulation. The Commission proposes to revise the de minimis threshold to adapt it to the current economic context and to improve transparency requirements.

The current threshold of 200 000 Euro is suggested to be increased to 275 000 Euro. In addition, it is suggested that the option of introducing a de minimis register are being made compulsory.

These changes are well in line with the suggestions that we, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, made in our response to the previous public consultation. We therefore support these suggested changes and would like to emphasize the importance of basing the revised threshold on reasonable projections on how the inflation will evolve in the long run, as the Commission have done.

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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist