ARTICLE8 November 2021

Nordic business: If done right, EU’s RRF Scoreboard can strengthen competitiveness

In a letter to the European Commission’s President von der Leyen, the Confederations of Danish Industry, Finnish Industries and Swedish Enterprise offers some comments on the delegated regulation that was presented by the Commission on the 28 September 2021 on establishing a Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Scoreboard. 

Photo: Mostphotos

The Nordic business organisations fully supports, and stresses the value of, a scoreboard that provides transparent and concise information on the progress of implementing the recovery and resilience plans. They also emphasise the importance of such a scoreboard being easily and publicly available.

The scoreboard – in addition to describing how the various Member States are progressing towards their milestones and goals – must always keep the EU’s international competitiveness in mind. The scoreboard should enable benchmarking between countries, not simply on how a number of target variables are being affected but also the type of programmes and reforms that have had the greatest impact.

Therefore, the organisations recommend a greater focus on the restructuring of the economy via investments and entrepreneurship. Used in the correct way, the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility will help strengthen European competitiveness and ensure sustainable growth and job creation by accelerating necessary green and digital transitions.

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