ARTICLE22 January 2018

OECDs ambassadors meeting – act for growth and prosperity

January 19th marked the date for BIACs annual meeting with the ambassadors of OECD. This year’s theme was ”Business priorities for OECD action: a call for growth and prosperity” and tackled subjects like entrepreneurship, multilateral framework for trade, tax and investments, creating opportunities for business to create the jobs of the future and developing high quality regulation that strengthens businesses competitiveness.

Photo: John Thys/TT

It was under the later headline in particular Jens Hedström, chairman of the BIAC Governance Committee and president for the Brussel office of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, held an address pointing out the importance of prioritising better regulation and learning from good examples set by other nations within the OECD.

- A few examples: The Netherlands – the first country to measure all regulation to identify which carries the greatest regulatory burden. Germany, with it’s clear goals for regulation framework. United Kingdom – one rule in, two out. Australia, which continuously evaluate all regulation to measure its effectiveness. And this is just a small selection.

Better regulation is a subject basic to all the areas debated at the meeting, and working for better regulations should be a part of any good governance.

OECD’s recommendations for better regulation takes in to special consideration small and mid-size enterprises, SMEs, which are hit harder by expensive and complicated regulation concerning taxes, information providing and the like. The recommendations also underlines the importance of impact assessment and evidence based regulations – something that concerns all enterprises.

These aspects are nothing new to those who have followed the intense work from the Swedish commercial and industrial life, The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has had a leading role in putting the issues at the forefront.

- It is time to act, Jens Hedström said. We have a good ground work and many good examples from which to learn. The OECDs recommendations are the world’s most modern regulation, ready to implement for those who wishes to ease the burden or their national enterprises. Therein lies the foundation for a healthier business climate, more jobs and bigger prosperity.

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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist