Publications and Position papers

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POSITION PAPER — 14 december 2020

Joint comments from Nordic business federations on OECD Blueprints

The Confederations of Swedish Enterprise, the Finnish Industries, the Danish Industry and the Norwegian Enterprise have submitted joint comments on the OECD Blueprint Reports on digital tax (Pillar 1) and Global minimum tax (Pillar 2).
POSITION PAPER — 14 december 2020

Labour Market Council for EU Affairs

Joint legal analysis of the Commission’s proposal for a directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union
POSITION PAPER — 3 december 2020

Public consultation on a potential legislative proposal on substantiating green claims

The initiative responds to the priorities announced in the European Green Deal and its associated Circular Economy Action Plan and Farm to Fork Strategy.
POSITION PAPER — 25 november 2020

Competition policy measures in support of the Green Deal.

The European Commission has published a general request for contributions to highlight the link between EU competition rules and the European Green Deal so that these rules best support the available opportunities to meet its objectives. Here you can find the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise”s views on the current issues.
POSITION PAPER — 18 november 2020

Inception Impact Assessment for Sustainable Product Initiative

We thank the European Commission for the opportunity to provide comments to the Inception Impact Assessment (IIA) on the Sustainable Product Initiative (SPI). The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes the European Commission”s action plan on circular economy and the SPI. This has the potential to facilitate a functioning market for secondary raw materials and circular products in Europe.
POSITION PAPER — 12 november 2020

Main points on CBAM by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise support the targets set out in the Paris Agreement. Ideally, the best instrument to deploy would be a global price on carbon. Realizing that this is not realistic for the foreseeable future other venues must be found.
POSITION PAPER — 6 november 2020

Remarks concerning the public consultation on the revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)

The confederation of Swedish Enterprises supports the European Green Deal and underlines the need for combining decreasing emissions with increased growth.
POSITION PAPER — 27 oktober 2020

Why we oppose a European Minimum Wage Directive

In the near future, the European Commission is expected to present a new Directive on fair minimum wages in the EU. The Swedish Government, parliament and social partners are vigorously opposed to such an idea. In this memo, we try to set out the reasons for this opposition from the perspective of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
POSITION PAPER — 16 oktober 2020

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise on the European Climate Law

POSITION PAPER — 14 oktober 2020

Nordic Business Position on the EU Arctic Policy

In the review process of the EU’s Arctic policy, the EU should have greater regard for the important role of businesses and industry in realizing the economic potential in the European Arctic. In recent years, many countries have shown an increased interest in the Arctic while the EU has lacked a clear vision for its role in the region. The Nordic business community calls on the EU to strongly promote and support sustainable development in the region. Standing on the shoulders of the current EU Arctic policy from 2016, a new strategy should aim for increasing international co-operation with the business community in the European Arctic and use the Arctic as a showcase of climate change mitigation without compromising economic growth and job creation.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist