Publications and Position papers

HITS:181 - 190 of 208
REPORT — 19 oktober 2016

Electricity Market Design for a Reliable Swedish Power System

POSITION PAPER — 1 augusti 2016

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise – Comments on Public consultation on the ”Proposal to introduce a services passport an address regulatory barriers in the construction and business services sectors” (3 May – 26 July)

REPORT — 29 mars 2016

Introduction to insurance schemes on the labour market 2016 – in the event of membership of an employers’ association within the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

REPORT — 4 mars 2016

Statutory and collective insurance schemes for the Swedish labour market 2016

REPORT — 17 december 2015

Environmental regulations, market pressure or own driving force - what are the potentials for Swedish companies to take the lead?

REPORT — 8 december 2015

Economic Implications of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

REPORT — 1 oktober 2015

TTIP und die volkswirtschaftlichen Effekte - ein Forschungsubersicht

REPORT — 7 september 2015

Kleine Unternehmen auf großem Markt

POSITION PAPER — 22 juni 2015

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise – Comments on the OECD Public Discussion Draft entitled ”BEPS Action 8: Hard-to-Value Intangibles” 4 June 2015 - 18 June 2015

POSITION PAPER — 16 juni 2015

Confederation of Swedish Enterprise – Comments on the OECD Revised Discussion Draft entitled ”BEPS Action 6: Prevent Treaty Abuse” 22 May 2015 - 17 June 2015

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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist