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NYHET — 27 februari 2025

Competitiveness - Front and Center of Commission’s Agenda

Swedish Enterprise welcomes the European Commission’s Competitiveness Compass for the EU. If anything, the ability to achieve world-class regulation is probably what will constitute the real litmus test on whether this Compass is able to deliver, write Fredrik Sjögren and Björn Wedin.
RAPPORT — 11 december 2024

Capital Markets For a More Competitive Europe

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise emphasizes that if the EU’s Capital Markets Union is to be truly effective, it must focus on meeting companies’ real financing needs.
NYHET — 28 juni 2024

European businesses’ key message to the Hungarian Presidency

Presidents and Directors General of BusinessEurope’s member federations gathered in Budapest for the upcoming Hungarian Presidency
NYHET — 9 april 2024

Bring us Back to Growth!

Europe is in a growth crisis and in dire need of reforms to boost the industry’s competitiveness. Here’s how to do it.
NYHET — 4 mars 2024

A Europe Unlocked wish list for Enrico Letta

In November last year, 17 business organisations together launched Europe Unlocked – a campaign coalition designed to encourage the incoming European Commission to place a greater emphasis on competitiveness through open and competitive markets.
NYHET — 28 februari 2024

Bring us Back to Growth!

Europe is in a growth crisis and in dire need of reforms to boost the industry’s competitiveness. Here’s how to do it.
NYHET — 22 februari 2024

EU permit processes are undermining willingness to invest

Overly complex processes and long waiting times for obtaining permits are acting as obstacles to EU inward investment, a new Business Europe report has shown. This report is welcomed by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, which is now calling for a comprehensive review of EU permit processes.
NYHET — 30 januari 2024

Social dialogue must contribute to EU competitiveness

As proud carriers of the Nordic tradition of social dialogue, where autonomous social partners negotiate solutions, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise acknowledges the significance of today’s Social Partner Summit at Val Duchesse.
NYHET — 29 januari 2024

High time for the EU to unite around growth and competitiveness

This must be the year when issues relating to European competitiveness and the business climate genuinely take centre stage in political debate.
NYHET — 1 december 2023

Jacob Wallenberg: Competitiveness must shape the EU agenda

The European initiative ‘Europe Unlocked’ is now launched at the instigation of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, to act as a call to the next European Commission to ensure that growth and competitiveness are at the top of the EU agenda.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
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Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
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Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Kontakta Svenskt Näringsliv
Postadress: 114 82 Stockholm
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Telefon: 08-553 430 00

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Tidningen Näringslivet
Tidningen Näringslivet är för dig som är intresserad av företagande, ekonomi, arbetsmarknad och näringspolitik.
Ansvarig utgivare och chefredaktör Anna Dalqvist