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ARTICLE — 2 juli 2021

Swedish Enterprise: European Commission’s estimates on administrative burden in the proposal on Foreign Subsidies are flawed

The European Commission’s proposal on foreign subsidies is a welcomed initiative that could contribute to a more level playing field in the EU Single Market. However, some sections of the proposal are problematic, since conclusions drawn in the impact assessment conducted for the drafting of the proposals appear to be flawed.
ARTICLE — 28 juni 2021

Eight out of 10 companies experience greater disruption after Brexit

Eight out of ten Swedish companies have experienced, or expect to experience, increased bureaucracy due to customs formalities in the wake of following Brexit, according to new figures released by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise. 
ARTICLE — 23 juni 2021

Corona effect: increased stockpiling and diversification, but no deglobalization in sight 

Despite the pandemic, Swedish entrepreneurs are continuing to rely on global value and supply chains. However, many believe that increased stockpiling and a wider network of suppliers have become more important in reducing exposure to risk in the future. This is according to a new report from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise.
ARTICLE — 23 juni 2021

Swedish Enterprise calls for far-reaching revision of EU AI Act

The current version of the proposal is indeed risky for investments and competitiveness, and will jeopardize innovation, and AI rollout in Europe. Therefore, the proposal needs to be significantly revised.
ARTICLE — 18 juni 2021

How to ensure sustainability and circularity in future product and material cycles

On 16 June, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, together with its Nordic sister organisations, organised a webinar on the theme of how to ensure sustainability and circularity in future product and material cycles. During the webinar, the Nordic business confederations also presented a joint position paper. 
ARTICLE — 10 juni 2021

Future Electricity Supply in Sweden

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise has initiated the project Future Electricity Supply in Sweden where a wide range of areas concerning the electricity supply are being analyzed in order to provid epolicy recommendations that will ensure the transition into a fossil free economy with maintained prosperity.
ARTICLE — 9 juni 2021

Swedish Enterprise on the revision of REACH

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes a Chemical strategy for sustainability and a revision of REACH that both simplifies the legislation and makes it more efficient. This combined with a strong and coordinated enforcement across the union will protect consumers, environment and ensures a level playing field and competitiveness for business.
ARTICLE — 7 juni 2021

The European Commission should implement the Digital Markets Act

In December 2020, the European Commission presented a proposal for a new regulation – the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The purpose of the regulation is to harmonize rules in the digital market to promote innovation and competition.
ARTICLE — 28 maj 2021

Position Paper on the proposal to regulate digital services through the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act

The 27th of May, ministers from the EU Member States met in the Competitiveness Council (Single Market and Industry) to discuss the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA) for the first time. These are two wide-ranging items of legislation, which are proposed to apply to a number of services we all use; they are expected to have a huge impact once they come into force.
ARTICLE — 28 maj 2021

Global green issues in focus at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s Future Meeting

While the world tackles the climate crisis, other countries should learn from the Swedish example. That was the message from US climate envoy John Kerry and Executive Vice-President Margarete Vestager at the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s Future Meeting, which largely focused on EU and international issues.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist