News Archive

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ARTICLE — 10 maj 2021

Joint Nordic input to the EU Industrial Forum

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, along with its Nordic sister organisations, has jointly produced a submission and proposals to the EU Industrial Forum. 
ARTICLE — 10 maj 2021

The updated EU Industrial Strategy: ”Several positive aspects.”

The European Commission on May 5 presented an updated version of its EU industrial strategy. ”There are several positive parts for business in what the Commission is addressing,” says Göran Grén, Head of the Business Policy and Law Division at the Confederation of Enterprise
ARTICLE — 30 april 2021

MEP Emma Wiesner (C/Renew Europe): ”I want to make a difference in climate policy”

Emma Wiesner is Sweden’s newest MEP. We asked hera few questions to get to know her a little better and find out her views on issues that lie close to the Swedish business community.
ARTICLE — 26 april 2021

Greater clarity on circular economy is needed

The business community invests heavily in circular economy. To facilitate the transition, several industries want to see more research, a broader holistic perspective, a focus on risk and greater clarity around common concepts used in the discussion on circular economy and the chemical strategy.
ARTICLE — 22 april 2021

Swedish Enterprise on the US move on digital tax and global minimum tax

The introduction of a global minimum tax will not result in a fair distribution of tax revenues. Furthermore, it represents a major restriction on both the sovereignty and ability of countries to set their own tax rates in line with their economies and preferences. 
ARTICLE — 13 april 2021

Remain an effective and efficient Industrial Emissions Directive  

The Commission is expected to present a revised version of its Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) by the end of this year. The Confederation has concluded that the current IED has proven effective in reducing pollutants and emissions while preserving efficiency.
ARTICLE — 9 april 2021

There are few bright spots in the European Commission’s leaked new taxonomy proposals

Within the EU Commission’s recently leaked revised draft delegated Act on the climate-related parts of the taxonomy, several of the sections that had aroused great discussions - not least in Sweden - have now been revised. Overall, however, we find it deeply concerning that it is clearly politics, not science, that now define what is and what is not contributing to a sustainable society in the proposal. 
ARTICLE — 9 april 2021

Swedish Enterprise’s key messages on the Commission’s initiative on Substantiating Green Claims 

The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise welcomes the Commission’s ambition to enable companies to substantiate environmental claims through harmonised and standardised methods. Yet, we want to highlight a few key messages that should be considered when going forward.
ARTICLE — 7 april 2021

How the rules on State Aid for Important Projects of Common European Interest can be improved (IPCEI)

An IPECI can be a good instrument, but they should not be used too widely nor should they be applied to too many projects.
ARTICLE — 27 mars 2021

”Don’t impose new tax reporting burden on EU businesses”

The competitiveness of European businesses is at risk if the EU introduces unilateral public country-by-country reporting, writes Krister Andersson in EURACTIV.
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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist