Publications and Position papers

HITS:11 - 20 of 208
POSITION PAPER — 18 oktober 2023

Response to the European Commission’s consultation on industrial carbon management

REPORT — 5 oktober 2023

Reporting obligations during the transitional period of the carbon border adjustment mechanism

REPORT — 4 oktober 2023

The Business Sector's Role in Strengthening Biodiversity

With a greater understanding of biodiversity, there are more actions that can be taken. Together, the entire Swedish business sector can contribute to strengthening biodiversity. That’s what the new report The Business Sector’s Role in Strengthening Biodiversity is all about.
POSITION PAPER — 25 september 2023

Position on the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Substantiation and Communication of Explicit Environmental Claims

This document represents the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s (‘Swedish Enterprise’) position on the Green Claims Directive. Swedish Enterprise is Sweden’s largest business federation, representing over 60,000 member companies in all sectors, with almost two million employees.
REPORT — 22 september 2023

The most important asset in the knowledge economy

And knowledge-based assets are behind much of what has made Sweden wealthy. However, there are many challenges associated with these assets and how they are managed. That is what this report is about.
POSITION PAPER — 27 juni 2023

Additional comments to the replies to the Commission public consultation’s questionnaire and free text replies

REPORT — 21 juni 2023

Kraftsamling elförsörjning - Scenario analysis 290 TWh

The starting point of the analysis has been fossil-free energy, cost optimization, and user focus. The target year has been moved to 2050, assuming a usage of 290 TWh of electricity in Sweden.
REPORT — 19 juni 2023

New Regulations in Europe’s Digital Economy: Design, Structure, Trade and Economic Effects

POSITION PAPER — 2 juni 2023

Declaration of the Council of Presidents in Madrid: Competitiveness is the road leading to a stronger EU position in the world and to economic and social progress

POSITION PAPER — 31 maj 2023

The EU Nature Restoration Regulation (NRR): balancing biodiversity and socioeconomic goals demands a tailormade approach per Member State, legal clarity and a proper impact assessment

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Publisher and editor-in-chief Anna Dalqvist