Maria Althin

Senior legal advisor, expert corporate governance, corporate law and securities law

Focusing mainly on corporate governance, corporate law and securities law

Latest Articles by Maria Althin

COMMENT — 11 October 2024

Remiss avseende förslag till rekommendation om due diligence på den svenska obligationsmarknaden

ARTICLE — 27 May 2024

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: It has been a bumpy ride, and the journey has only just begun 

Following months of negotiation between the EU legislators - and with many unexpected twists and turns along the way - the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive has now been approved by the European Parliament and the Council.
ARTICLE — 23 April 2024

Proxy advisors must act responsibly

It is positive that proxy advisors are willing to engage but we remain concerned that proxy advisor recommendations still sometimes seem to ignore local and company specifics and best practices, write Maria Larsson and Elias Skog, corporate governance experts.
ARTICLE — 22 April 2024

Röstningsrådgivare måste ta större ansvar

Det är positivt att röstningsrådgivare, som ger rekommendationer om hur investerare ska rösta på bolagsstämmor, visar intresse för dialog, men det är oroande att de ibland förefaller strunta i lokala och bolagsspecifika förhållanden samt god praxis, skriver experterna Maria Larsson och Elias Skog.
COMMENT — 19 April 2024

European Parliament legislative resolution of 13 March 2024 on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on European cross-border associations (COM(2023)0516 – C9-0326/2023 – 2023/0315(COD))

ARTICLE — 19 February 2024

Att bana väg för digitala bolagsstämmor är att ta ansvar

Det är ansvarsfullt att i bolagsordningen säkerställa att det finns en möjlighet att hålla digitala stämmor, skriver Maria Larsson, expert bolagsstyrning, bolagsrätt och börsrätt.
COMMENT — 5 February 2024

Bolagsverkets hemställan om författningsstöd för att ge Bolagsverket bemyndigande om föreskriftsrätt för anmälningar som kommer in på papper

ARTICLE — 22 January 2024

Listing Act - Do Not Undermine its Objectives in the Final Phase of Negotiations

The overarching objective of the Listing Act is clear and unambiguous – to strengthen capital markets within the EU. It is hugely important that this objective remains the guiding compass for co-legislators, and that they do not lose track.
COMMENT — 1 December 2023

Förslag om alternativ tvistlösning för konsumenter

ARTICLE — 30 November 2023

Corporate sustainability due diligence – it is high time to secure a framework that works in practice

We are approaching the end of the trilogue negotiations on the CS3D. Four political trilogues have already taken place during the Spanish Council Presidency, and although several parts still remain to be agreed, a final compromise may be reached before the end of the year.
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